Suva Elementary School Home

Upcoming Events

News & Announcements

After-School Flyer

After-School Program

The After-School program is still accepting applications. Please have a look at the flyer for more information. If you have any questions, please get in touch with Gustavo.

Phone Number: (323) 616-5979.
Email address: [email protected]

El programa After-School aún acepta solicitudes. Eche un vistazo al folleto para obtener más información. Si tiene alguna pregunta, contacte a Gustavo.

Número de teléfono: (323) 616-5979
Correo electronico: [email protected]
Message from the Superintendent of Schools

MUSD Announcement

Please see above announcement from the Superintendent of Schools.
iReady Workshop

iReady Workshop

Suva Elementary will hold an i-Ready parent workshop on Thursday, March 6th. For more information, please see the attached flyer.
La Primaria Suva llevará a cabo un taller para padres de i-Ready el jueves 6 de marzo. Para obtener más información, consulte el folleto adjunto.
MUSD Communication Regarding student walkouts

MUSD Announcement

Please see the above announcement from the Superintendent of Schools regarding student walkouts.


Empowering Students to Achieve Academic Excellence as Model Citizens.